I thought it would be interesting to create a spreadsheet for the NASDAQ 100. You'll notice in Sheet 1 that there are 2 sets. There is no reason for the two different sets other than Excel would not allow more than 70 stocks to be refreshed at once, so I divided it into two equal groups. To get daily or even by the minute (delayed 20 minutes) stock data click "data" and then "refresh all". Sheet 2 of this spreadsheet has each company and in order by Market capitalization. To refresh this click "data" "refresh". The way I use this as a tool is to see which stocks are being bought and sold. I rank them on a weekly basis by market cap to see which stocks moved up or down on the list on the NASDAQ 100. You'll notice the top 25 are quite hard to move, but the bottom 75% of the list vary on a weekly basis and could provide some insight on the stronger companies as their stock prices (overall market cap).
To Download (Firefox and Excel 2007 recommended) Click Here
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Looks interesting. Downloaded read-only version. Assume this read-only can be tested too - IOW, data will reresh, etc? How to get an editable spreadsheet so I can tweak, if necessary?
I will experiment and post my own discovoeries, if any. BTW, liked you online book. Keep up the good work.
CP, thanks for dropping by and the comments. The spreadsheet will refresh and you can edit it. Please keep me posted on any of your findings.
I'm trying to find a financial tool/program that performs analysis of a companies financial data. Once I sort through stock list of companies that I can afford to invest with, I need the function of a program that can help determine the companies financial soundess. Basically, I want low cost stocks with high dividends and growth. Any suggestion? And, thank you.
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