You'll notice in Sheet 1 that there are 11 sets. There is no reason for the eleven different sets other than Excel would not allow all data on 1 set etc... To get daily or even by the minute (delayed 20 minutes) stock data click "data" and then "refresh all". Sheet 2 of this spreadsheet has each company and in order by Market capitalization. To refresh this click "data" "refresh". The way I use this as a tool is to see which stocks are being bought and sold. I rank them on a weekly basis by market cap to see which stocks moved up or down on the list. You'll notice the top 50 are quite hard to move, but the bottom 90% of the list vary on a weekly basis and could provide some insight on the stronger companies as their stock prices (overall market cap).
To download this spreadsheet click here (Excel 2007 and Firefox recommended)

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Any thoughts on where I might find market cap ranking statistics historically? (last 10 years, 20 years?)
I'm sorry I don't. If you figure out please share!
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