Economic Recession Unfolds: Low Rates = Growth = High Inflation = Oil Shock = Consumer Crunch = Many Foreclosures = Credit Crisis = Stock Market Crash = Consumer Confidence at Record Low = Bad Economy
It's a vicious circle...
Can you really cure a hangover with another drink?
It's a vicious circle...
Can you really cure a hangover with another drink?
I created this video to show how we got to where we are in the economy today (in a nutshell). The various songs used in this video are reserved by original artists. The pictures and news articles used in this video are reserved by original sites.
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Tags: ACDC, money talks, print money inflation, money supply, money, good economy, led zeppelin, when the levee breaks, economic stress, stress, economy, economic,high gas, oil crisis, high oil, oil shock, rolling stones,gimme shelter, foreclosure, high unemployment, unemployment, stock market, wall street, bailout, banks fail, bad bank, bailed out, BTO, aint seen nothin yet, the kinks, low budget, consumer confidence, stop spending, retail sales, decimated, economic stimulus, consumer, consumers cut budget, spend less, hurt economy, tough economy
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