Here is a printable version of the NASDAQ 25 (largest stocks by market in NASDAQ) which allows you to see company, ticker, strike price, % return if stock closes at July expiration above the indicated strike price, downside protection, and the current probability of the stock expiring above the indicated strike price. The minimum return % I was seeking was 8.33% (100% annually) however the four stocks which are highlighted in yellow did not have a current bid for the strike which would have put the return above 8.33%.
As you can see from the spreadsheet below the stocks in bold green font are above average (from 25 stocks analyzed) in every category. Those will be the stocks I'll be opening buy/write option strategies for soon.
To learn more about the BUY/WRITE option strategy, other option strategies, and options in general check out my option E-Books.
(Click on image to enlarge)

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