Palm has set a new 52 week high 4 days in a row including that awful day Monday. Palm was upgraded by Merrill Lynch and price target was raised to 14 a share. I have heard heavy rumors that the Palm Pre will be released by May 17, 2009. Some rumors include put a vacation freeze for retail employees to train them with the Pre smartphone. I have heard another rumor stating that it would be under $200 with new a 2 year user agreement, so Palm will be getting a nice subsidy from Sprint. This phone has also been rumored that it will be released within 6 months for most large carriers, including GSM carriers over seas. The Palm Pre was featured on Jimmy Falon's talk show recently and was compared to the Apple iPhone. Some of the featured apps sound brilliant, such as syncing it with most major social networking sites and email servers such as: GMail and facebook, to get contacts and additional info. I have not decided where to write covered calls for May yet, as I may wait to sell on the news and buy back on a dip. I think once they release this info the stock will pop but then will sell off or at least settle down for a few weeks, until they start releasing sales info for the new Palm Pre device. I will post an update when I decide what to do with Palm... I am hoping the Palm Pre comes out very soon because I am tired of posting off my current phone (HTC Touch Pro).
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very cool blog. thx!
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